The Founder
Dr. Abdullah Al-Munifi was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and attended Law School at the University of Cairo, Egypt, where he received his Bachelor's Degree in Law (License en Droit), in 1962. Thereafter, he served as Legal Advisor to the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He later received a sabbatical to pursue postgraduate studies in the USA at the University of Virginia Law School, Charlottes ville, Va., USA where he received a Master of Laws Degree (LL.M. '69) as well as a Doctorate Degree in Law (S.J.D ‘73). His doctorate dissertation focused on Constitutional Law written under the supervision of his professor and later US Supreme Court Justice, the late Jurist Antonin Scalia.
After returning to his position in 1973, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Bureau of Legal Experts at the Council of Ministers.
During his tenure at the Council of Ministers, he served as a visiting professor to the Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh where he taught postgraduate legal studies designed to train and qualify law graduates to act as legal consultants to various government entities. He also served as a part-time consultant for the Ministry of Interior and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (a public utility) in 1975.
Dr. A. Al-Munifi represented his country as a delegate to United Nations Conferences on the Law of the Sea in Caracas and Geneva. He also participated in numerous Saudi Arabian delegations, including conferences under the auspices of the Arab League.
In 1979, he left civil service to establish his own law firm in Riyadh. Over the years, the firm acquired wide recognition for astutely serving local and international clients and their interests. In 1994, Dr. A. Al-Munifi was honored to return to civil service, when he was appointed one of the sixty members of the first body of the Consultative Council (Majlis Ashoura, the legislative branch of the government). He served as member of the Consultative Council for two consecutive four-year terms until 2002.
Dr. A. Al-Munifi continued to assist public entities in drafting legislation and regulations along his regular legal practice. Among his publications are: “The Islamic Constitutional Theory," S.J.D dissertation; “Private International Law – a study in nationality law” taught to graduate law students at the Institute of Public Administration.